So I've been thinkin that we really need to have a new version of Save the last dance. I know that they already made the movie Something New and there's the new movie coming out this month, Lake View Terrace, But the couples in those two films are older. I really would love to see a younger couple. I mean the they always have young white girls and young black guys, but never any young black girls and white guys. Come on already! GO on myspace or youtube or just go outside and there are plenty of couples like that out and about. Sometimes its a rare thing depending on where you live, but they do exist and it is about freakin time someone made a movie about.
If I was writing the story it would be a comedy about simply not putting the person you like in the "Friend Zone" just because they look different than you do. I mean I've done it plenty of times and had it done plenty times to me. The pain you feel seeing someone you like with another person. It hurts like hell. But anyways I think it would be a good idea to branch off of because all the youth of today constantly take things from their counterparts' culture and mesh it with their own. So why cant they mesh together in a personal relationship too.
Well have you seen Lincoln Heights they have a cute young couple on it in fact a large part of their relationship is focus on the show. Check it out when you get a chance the new season starts on 09/19/08 on Abc family.
Oh Yeah! Cant believe I forgot about them. Cant wait till the new season starts up ^__^
I think you should be so bodered by being dark skin coloured, I think you are so much prettier than toes of girls out in the world... Believe me I wish I could be that pretty...
Maybe you wonder who I am, well I am white short girl, and kind of overweight, but not to much, you can see my selfportraits on my blog...
And well, I just love your posts, as you are true, young girl, living your own life, with all those dilemas, as we all do have
ohhh and btw: previous comment from be-yourself was from lady_rhinoa
I have got 2 account :)
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